Client Guide


Kumari Care Limited, originally established in 1990, provides services to older people, disabled people, and all vulnerable adults, enabling them to continue in their own homes for as long as possible. The service provides an alternative to residential or nursing home care and ensures high quality practical support and encouragement to those who would not otherwise manage to live independently.

  1. Services Commissioned by Social Services or the Health Authority
  2. Private Clients
  3. Complaints and Compliments
  4. General

Kumari's home care services are commissioned either by Social Services, the Health Authority or directly by private individuals.

Services Commissioned by Social Services or the Health Authority

If the local or health authority commissions the service your needs will be assessed by them and agreed with you. You will also be advised if you are to be charged for the service. A Care Plan will be prepared and Kumari will be asked to provide a service in accordance with the Care Plan.

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Private Clients

If you wish to purchase a service directly from Kumari a home visit will be required to carry out an initial assessment of your needs and to check that these can be safely met in your home. The service proposed would be discussed and agreed with you and if appropriate a starting date arranged. This assessment is provided free of charge and without obligation.
For private clients wishing to purchase services directly please call us on 01225 428449 and we will send you a Schedule of Charges and a Contract for the Supply of Home Care which should be read carefully before the home visit is arranged.

Kumari staff are always on hand to explain the details of the service and to clarify or explain the terms.

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Complaints and Compliments

As part of its Quality Monitoring System Kumari encourages any comments, complaints and compliments from its clients. A copy of the procedure to follow when making a complaint will be provided once the service has started.

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Clients will be given access to their personal records held by the company and are advised that these files may be reviewed as part of the regulation and inspection process.

All new clients will receive an introductory letter providing useful information and an appropriate copy of the Complaints Procedure.

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Partnership with...

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